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Parasympathetic vs. SympatheticCounting Macros

Understanding components of your anatomic nervous system can be very helpful in assessing symptoms of poor health derived from stress Parasympathetic = rest and digest Sympathetic = fight or flight It’s no surprise majority of human beings are stuck in a sympathetic state, countless hours scrolling through social media, careers that involve lots of sitting at a desk and staring at a computer, high toxic loads from our food, water and environment, relationship issues, financial issues, lack of sunlight and so much more, society is definitely not a walk in the park Focusing on activating more of your parasympathetic nervous state can greatly improve your overall health. Improved digestion, peristalsis, improved sleep, improved ability to handle stress, improved clearance of free radicals, toxins, bad estrogens, improved mood, improved cognitive health and even disease prevention! Ways to stimulate parasympathetic state are getting adequate amounts of sunlight, especially in the first hours of the morning, calming walks, writing a gratitude journal (say it out loud), meditation, positive affirmations, singing, laughing, hugging, intimacy, calming hobbies, sleep more and stopping to smell the flowers! If you have any questions regarding your anatomic nervous system, please go ahead and drop a question below in the comments If you enjoyed this video, please like, save and follow 😊

Lifestyle Empowerment is dedicated to helping individuals rediscover their health through functional health practices. Curtis has helped those struggling with auto-immune, diabetes, cancers and more. 


Lifestyle Empowerment is located in Calgary, Alberta but offers services virtually and is therefore available from anywhere in the world!

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