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Meet Alan


When I met Alan, he had just finished Chemo and felt like everything was a struggle. He was deteriorating daily and was losing hope. I knew we had to act quickly, and I  implemented a supplementation protocol that helped reduce the severe inflammation he was experiencing in his body. We also got him on a specific nutrition plan to help aid in his body’s recovery and had him slowly integrate a fitness routine back into his recovery journey.

Within 6 months of working with me, he was back to having a pep to his step and a lustre for life. Read his full story below. 

My story began a year ago at the age of 64 when I was diagnosed with terminal prostate cancer and was immediately put on a cancer treatment program entitled “Androgen Deprivation Therapy” at the Holy Cross Cancer Center. After an MRI and two CT scans later, it was discovered my cancer had spread from my prostate to my groin to my stomach and finally migrated to both lungs.

I then underwent 18 weeks of chemotherapy at the Tom Baker Cancer Center from September 2016 to January of this year, 2017.

Needless to say I was a wreck when my treatment was complete and I was suffering from debilitating fatigue, paralysis in both hands and feet, nonexistent appetite, zero energy, severe pain in my groin area, unable to sleep and both legs swollen twice their size and getting closer to death by the day when I showed up at Curtis’s doorstep.

Curtis is a nutritionist/strength coach and a more pleasant, passionate, well-informed, practice what you preach type of person you would be hard-pressed to find it anywhere. The very first thing Curtis did was ask my blood type, my favorite meals and snacks I like to eat and from that he formulated a comprehensive nutritional meal plan and exercise program for my particular body type and needs.

Within a week I was feeling better. Within a month I was a new man and here I am 3 1/2 months later back to a full schedule of dancing three days a week, weightlifting three days a week and yoga six days a week with one day of rest. My fatigue is completely gone, the paralysis in both hands has disappeared and my feet get better day by day. My appetite is back and I had the energy to do my fall schedule again at the gym. The pain amazingly enough has almost disappeared and walking has become natural again.

Regarding the swelling in my legs, well Curtis with his knowledge on natural supplementation, was able to prescribe me something that eliminated the swelling in my legs completely after just one week.

I just completed my three months post chemo blood test and my levels have not moved even one digit. The best news ever.

I also, with Curtis’s knowledge, had my oncologist and his staff go over his meal/supplement plan to see if there were any conflicts with the vitamins or supplements Curtis had me on in regards to the cancer drugs and treatment my oncologist was prescribing. Not only did they not conflict, my oncologist was very impressed with not only the results but also the comprehensive detail of Curtis’s nutritional program, that he could find no fault with it whatsoever. High praise.

I am a little over halfway through my six months with Curtis and my opinion of him is unwavering. You have a treasure on your hands for he is a true miracle worker when it came to my cancer and what needed to be done for my survival. He has saved my life through his knowledge and expertise and for that I’ll be forever grateful.


Sean (and Sara's) Story


"His knowledge of the human anatomy and nutrition was beyond astonishing."

In 2017 myself and my wife left the UK to embark on a new adventure in Canada. Just before leaving the UK I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. This was a huge upset to me as this also meant after many tests that the impact on my testosterone was also impacted, and because of this I was unable to have children.

 I pretty much excepted my fate and went on to live my life. When coming to Canada me and my wife decided to get our health back on track by losing weight and getting PTs. We enrolled on a PT plan with a night fitness chain where I met the person was was soon to be someone who was going to change my life. This guy was Curtis.

 After several months training with Curtis not only did I lose 30+ lb but also after blood tests learnt I had reversed the type 2 diabetes. What followed though was short of amazing me and my wife had learned that we were having a child.

Due to this we decided to move back to the UK to have our child mainly to be close to our parents. This was a stressful time that Curtis helped us both through and continued to work with me. We decided that we missed Canada and so returned and again we are both working with Curtis again. And guess what!!! Yup he’s got my blood sugar under control again and we have the most amazing life.

This is all due to the amazing work that Curtis does as a human being but also as a coach. Life is richer with him in our lives as a coach and as a friend in fact we see him as family. You want to make a change then Curtis is the person to help you, could not recommend enough amazing.

"... he's got my blood sugar under control again and we have the most amazing life."

Tracey's Transformation

Tracey was ready and committed to making the change!

"... His knowledge and his passion for his clients are exceptional. "

“Working with Curtis on my health journey has been life changing! His knowledge and his passion for his clients are exceptional. From my nutrition plans to my workout program, things change constantly as I progress in my journey. He’s always on top of my feedback, answering my questions in a very timely manner. Curtis has recommended certain tests when required and designed my plan around those results. A huge weight loss, menopause and hormonal issues, then weight loss resistance and subsequent GI bacterial issues… Curtis has navigated me through it all! He really is a coach that cares about his clients, their goals and living their best life.”

“Working with Curtis on my health journey has been life changing! His knowledge and his passion for his clients are exceptional. From my nutrition plans to my workout program, things change constantly as I progress in my journey. He’s always on top of my feedback, answering my questions in a very timely manner. Curtis has recommended certain tests when required and designed my plan around those results. A huge weight loss, menopause and hormonal issues, then weight loss resistance and subsequent GI bacterial issues… Curtis has navigated me through it all! He really is a coach that cares about his clients, their goals and living their best life.”

Are you ready to make a change?


    Lifestyle Empowerment is dedicated to helping individuals rediscover their health through functional health practices. Curtis has helped those struggling with auto-immune, diabetes, cancers and more. 


    Lifestyle Empowerment is located in Calgary, Alberta but offers services virtually and is therefore available from anywhere in the world!

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